
Tuesday 9 June 2020

St Marius and St Martha

19th January is the day for remembering the story of Marius and Martha, a married couple who were martyred for their faith during the reign of Emperor Claudius in the 1st century.

They lived in Persia and were extremely wealthy. However, as Christians they realised that they had a duty to help the poor and gave all their fortune away.

They travelled to Rome along with their sons Audifax and Abachum, but arrived in the middle of an orgy of bloodletting as Claudius carried out a wide-ranging persecution of Christians. This was done by herding all the captured Christians into an amphitheatre, killing them, and then burning all the bodies.

The family from Persia escaped this purge but decided to do what they could to respect the victims. They therefore gathered all the ashes and gave them a Christian burial. This action was enough to condemn them and they suffered the same fate as the martyrs who had preceded them, although without the burning. They in turn were given a respectful burial by other Christians.

During the 14th century it was believed that their bones had been discovered and these then became holy relics which were distributed in churches throughout Europe.

© John Welford

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